This Blog is not just another blog to tell you the following.
• Wear sear belt while driving
• Don’t Drink and Drive
• Don’t Consume medicine that can cause drowsiness before going for a Drive
• Follow road rules
• Don’t drive rashly
This Blog is to tell you what do to when in you are in a critical situation like
What will you do if you are not able to put the gear in a middle of Traffic?
Some times it happens that when you are driving, suddenly you may not be able to put the gear, most of the time the vehicle stops and you are not able to put the first gear. The remedy is that try to press the clutch alone one short push and one long Push. Things should be normal. This problem arises due to the clogging of the clutch. When you try the above you are removing the problem. Most of the time it solves the problem and you can drive home safe. If it is still not solved then there is a serious problem were you need technical assistance. For that keep the customer support number of your car company both in your mobile and as well written in a book and keep it safe in the car.
What will you do if the wiper is not working on a rainy day?
On a rainy day, if your wiper does not work, you cannot drive. To solve this try rubbing the car glass with tobacco leaves. When you rub with it, at least for a weeks time even a drop of water will not stick or flow on the car glass. This will help you to drive safely. You can repair your wiper as you can now drive to your service center with out any problem.
I would be happy to learn car driving tips from the readers. Please post it in the comments section
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