The Telugu New Year festival or Ugadi comes close on the heels of Holi. It is believed that Lord Brahma started creation on this day.
75 million Telugu speaking people world wide are celebrating Ugadi Today. Telugu is one of the official languages of India.
Ugadi is celebrated grandly in Maharashtra, Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh. It is called Gudi Padwa in Maharashtra and as Ugadi in the other states.
Preparations starts one week before, Houses are cleaned . Every one enjoys shopping for new clothes.
Udagi Day begins with a ritual bath followed by prayers. Every one seeks God’d blessing for their Health, wealth and prosperity and success in the business.
Ugadi is almost the most auspicious time to start a new ventures.
On the day of Ugadi people go to the Temple to listen to the Panchangam (horoscope).These days reading the panchangam is also done in their respective houses.
Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh, RSS World’s largest voluntary organization celebrates Ugadi as their first festival out of the 6 festivals in a year.
telugu new year greetings
ugadi telugu
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