The idea behind this blog is that i just want to share the features of the latest Scorpio M Hawk.

Scorpio M Hawk is available in different colors, White, Turf Green, Java Brown.
In Chennai as far as i know 40 to 50 Scorpio M Hawk is running on the road as of date.Majority of them are White Coloured.
There are few exciting features that attracted me.
1.In high ways one can set the accelerater at a constant speed. it means you need not keep pressing one leg on the Accelerator always. this is highgly helpful when you are travelling in Highways.when you find any obstacle in the road u can press either the brake or clutch to bring the system from Automatic mode to manual mode.
2.You can play your mobile memory card or your ipod with the Audio System that is provided along with the Vehicle.(Audio System comes along with the Car)
3.The Reverse sensor in the vehicle, if you want to take reverse, in general we need to look back ,here with the reverse sensor you can view the center mirror inside the car and take reverse.When the light glows in green it means there is no obstacle in the hit range.if the color turns to yellow it means you are approaching a obstacle.If it turns red it means it is better to stop as you would hit something if you still go back.
4.The doom lights are brilliant if you travel under a tunnel, the light of the vehicle enhances due to the latest technology.
5.The Wipers are also automatic. you need not switch it on if it is raining,it cares by itself.depending on the intensity of the rain , the speed of the viper increases.
6.The Scorpio has got Anti Braking System (ABS).which makes driving in Scorpio a childs play.Now you have more control on braking.
If you have money , go for it.
It's a Neighbours Envy Vehicle.
There are more features in some vehicles and what you described being the older one buddy. These features are already there n the market since 2 years. The latest one being having a bluetooth( so that u can take calls while driving) , microsoft sync ( i dont know for what ....), a camera behind the car for taking reverse.. lot more features.. probably u r new to this buddy....
keep blogging some new stuff instead of old ones
Atlast, it's dream come true, I have got my Mahindra Scorpio M Hawk on my Birthday.
You can view my Scorpio by clicking the link.
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