Thursday, March 20, 2008

Who deserves Help ?

My day starts with a prayer to the Lord asking for 2 things.

1.Never give me a situation to ask for a loan from any body
2.Never give me a situation to say that i am helpless when some one is in real need

I have been pondering for few weeks and months about who really deserves help. I am talking about financial help.If some one comes to you asking for a loan.think about the following before you really help him/her.

well, there are many financial instituations that are available in humpty numbers if some one needs financial help.there is a common saying that it is not money that determines the world there are VISA and MASTER. i am talking about credit cards. so there are Personal Loans, Home Loans,Car loans ,Over Draft Loans and credit cards and what not.

Then why should one ask us for a loan. Think about it, A bank gives loan to person only if he fulfills certain basic norms. he/she should have a job, a pan card , and few other details.If the bank determines that one is not eligible for a loan that means it believes the person cannot repay.

So you have to double think before you give loan to any one , because you are not helping him, you are putting him in to more trouble later.he will not be in a position to pay you, to pay you he will have to buy a loan from another source and this scenario will continue till he cannot afford to meet the expenses.

If you are really concerned about the person who is asking you for a loan,sit with him and ask him what is the loan for , if it is to pay for another loan,dont give, because to pay you back he will have to depend on some one else, this process will never end, instead ask him to earn money to meet his expenses.Earn means, if he is getting 10,000 he should plan to earn another 5000 by means of some work or business. This is the best help that you can do any body.he/she will be thankful to you when they come out of their debts.

If you give money with out reasoning , i can tell u 90% of the time your money will never come back. slowly you will not only loose money but also the friendship.

Think about it.

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Honestly i need your opinion as it will not only save your wallet but also your friendship.

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